Here I am, I’m Alessandra Reh Chiappero.
Storyteller, trainer and spiritual researcher, I have integrated over time various awareness-raising techniques that I put at the service of people with love and simplicity, trying in turn to shed light on the shadows and doubts that are part of my continuous evolution.
All of my experiences are inspired by the strong bond with the forest, which I began to discover from a very young age, accompanied by my grandmother. In the woods, the temple where I have rediscovered my true essence over the years.
It is nature that whispered to me my spiritual name ‘Reh’ which in German, my mother tongue, means deer.
I bring all my experiences into nature where everything manifests itself and lives simply for what it is. Where we can recontact our roots and primordial energy, return to its breath and manifest our authentic self.

A safe and joyful life on a healthy planet is my primary concern.
I love nature and feel deeply anxious about its compulsive and restless devastation. Thus I care as much as possible to avoid further disasters and to create a culture of respect and love for each living creature starting from inner healing. This strong commitment has sealed my research, projects, and teaching during the last 15 years.
I practice Nichiren Daishonin’s Mahayana Buddhism and have been a member of Soka Gakkai International since 1993.
For several years, I have offered my Seva for the ‘Embracing the world’ program of Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi. In a constant commitment to deepening inner consciousness, I started my evolutive path in 1984 with Jungian Psychology, continuing with Gestalt Psychotherapy, seminaries of Art of the Therapeutic Word according to Steinerian Anthroposophy, Rebirthing, Voicing, Greenberg Method, Shamanism (Soul Hunting, Inipi rituals, shamanic drum circles), sound healing with crystal and Tibetan bells. I do practice Hatha Yoga and meditation. My training in coaching, family constellations, and  

trauma resolution and my engagement for empathic and respectful relations are motivating my everyday living and my vision of a loving world. I live in Italy, and I am fortunate to have grown up in a multilingual context.
My father was Italian with an English grandmother, and my mother was Mitteleuropean with Russian, German, Austrian, and English ancestors. I spent my childhood in Austria on the lake and in the woods and travelled through many countries and cultures in my life.
I feel at home in every country. I love dialogue, integration, other habits, traditions, smiles, and bright colours around the globe.
We are called to heal our wounds and fears in a deeper engagement of collective consciousness. I am joyfully committed to creating circular, sustainable, and resilient paradigms to empower talents and identities in networks of crafter communities.
I love music. I sing and play the guitar. I couldn’t live without the powerful healing of my inner sound. In my work, I use shamanic drums, Tibetan bells, the rhythm of natural elements, and chanting.

The Call

The essential connections on the path of awareness never manifest by chance.
I first heard about Bert Hellinger’s family constellations a long time ago.
Since then, my soul has remained as if in a state of alert, and when my mother was diagnosed with incurable cancer in September 2008, the call was powerful.
I felt the need to resolve old misunderstandings before she left me.
At that time, a friend enthusiastically talked to me about family constellations encouraging me to participate in an upcoming gathering.
Of course, I immediately decided to participate.
How was it possible that the people I had chosen randomly for my constellation resonated so much with the dynamics of my family? Everything flew as it should, and I saw the causes of my grief come alive in an incredibly structured representation. In the compassionate energy of the circle, I was able to resume my role as a daughter, hug my mother as I always wanted, honour her, and find my place in the family.

The family constellations technique resonated deeply with me and, a few months after the death of my mother, I started my training with Marco Massignan and Elena dell’Orto of the Nemeton Institute of Shamanic and Systemic Art.
After the first training level, I remember that one morning I went to the park with my beloved Ruben to take a nice walk.
I stopped in a clearing of pines attracted by a strong call. The dog also seemed very engaged. I sat on the pine needles and in an instant, I was filled with deep emotion.
It was my family!
I recognized the parents, the sisters, my children in every tree. Something deep had to emerge because I found myself in my constellation. I honored, forgiven, and processed my grandmother’s trauma that had emerged and, to complete my work, a ray of sunshine from behind the hill marked the boundary between the new and the old in a mystical warmth. Each tree featured was blessed in the sunray. It was a moment of great beauty and relief.
My first constellation ‘In the ancestor’s forest’.

Imagine a beautiful place, the forest you love. Then, follow the paths where you walked in peace, even when it was dark, or there was a storm.
Find your peaceful corner where you can let yourself be welcomed and surrender to the heartbeat of life. Breathe in the fragrance of the forest, breathe in its murmurs,
let yourself be caressed by the breeze in the trees.

You will feel a thrill, perhaps a nostalgia, and the tender feeling of not being alone anymore. In the ancestor’s forest, you can embrace a large oak and rediscover a moment of abandonment in the sacred silence.
Imagine your ancestors; they approach lightly and, if you look at the horizon, you can imagine them in the light of the dawn of life. They come to give you a caress, an encouragement, to tell you their stories, even the most secret ones.
They manifest to support you in the search for your essence to create a joyful life
in the energy of your Truth.

Ancient and new emotions vibrate in you, like the roots of a large tree. And in the destiny of those who will come.

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At that time, a friend enthusiastically talked to me about family constellations encouraging me to take part in an upcoming gathering. I immediately decided to participate. How was it possible that the people I had chosen randomly for my constellation, resonated so much with the dynamics of my family? Everything flew as it should and I saw the causes of my grief come alive in an incredibly structured representation. In the compassionate energy of the circle, I was able to resume my role as a daughter, hug my mother as I always wanted, honor her and find a place in my family from which I felt perpetually judged and excluded. It was very moving to accompany my mom in the moment of her passing away. I imagined taking her by the hand along a path that went up a very high white mountain. She was resisting, exhausted with tremendous fatigue, fighting to stay alive. I accompanied her to the top and reassured her with my new energy, entrusting her to a breath of wind. Her soul then has flown lightly. For the first time, she had trusted me. 

After the first training level, I remember that one morning I went to the park with my beloved Ruben to take a nice walk. I remember that I stopped in a clearing of pines attracted by a strong call. The dog also seemed very engaged. I sat on the pine needles and in an instant, I was filled with deep emotion. It was my family! I recognized the parents, the sisters, my children in every tree. Something deep had to emerge because I found myself in my constellation. I honored, forgiven, and processed my grandmother’s trauma that had emerged and, to complete my work, a ray of sunshine from behind the hill marked the boundary between the new and the old in a mystical warmth. Each tree featured was blessed in the sunray. It was a moment of great beauty and relief. My first constellation ‘In the ancestor’s forest’.The constellation technique resonated deeply with me and, a few months after the death of my mother, I started my training with Marco Massignan and Elena dell’Orto of the Nemeton Institute of Shamanic and Systemic Art.

Training and Qualifications

Escuela Europea de Coaching Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP)
Executive Coaching
Coaching al Coach

Istituto di Arte Sciamanica e Sistemica Nemeton, Marco Massignan ed Elena Dell’Orto
Family and systemic constellations
Ritual constellations and somatic trauma resolution

The Academy of inner Science, Thomas Hübl
The Principles of Collective Trauma healing

I commit to Global social witnessing community calls and
the Climate Crisis project led by ‘Pocket Project Restoring the World
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