If you do not have the stars in your soul, it is useless to count them.
Family Constellations, Transformational Coaching, Trauma Resolution: evolutionary paths in nature.
If you do not have the stars in your soul, it is useless to count them.
Family Constellations, Transformational Coaching, Trauma Resolution: evolutionary paths in nature.
If you do not have the stars in your soul, it is useless to count them.
Family Constellations, Transformational Coaching, Trauma Resolution: evolutionary paths in nature.

If you think that…

It doesn't work for me
I know my problem too well…
I want to understand…
And get rid of it!
These techniques on Zoom. Are you kidding?

My mission

Yasur is a brave path, a mighty volcano. Eruption of light, lapilli of new energy, golden stardust. A place to experience the wonder and abundance of what is fluid, sacred and powerful.

Respecting and honouring the uniqueness of each one of you is my mission: to support you in processing personal, generational, and collective traumas, rediscovering your authentic essence—one with the Universe, One with Mother Nature, One with the Divine.

If the stars aren’t in the soul, why count them?

Family constellations

An immense root penetrates to the earth’s centre and has been nourished since the
dawn of the universe. It represents the infinite intertwining of the destinies of humanity.

You have undoubtedly heard tales of your ancestors; maybe you liked the personality of
some of them; better if bright and not too unlucky. Unfortunately, however, nothing is said
or no longer known for many: different ideas, misfortunes, or even just an impossible love.

Everyone lives in you with the energy of their experience, and it is those bonds that give
or take strength from your life. 

How can i help you?

The techniques I propose result from the integration of different awareness-raising disciplines: Family and Systemic Constellations,
Transformational Ontological Coaching, Somatic-based Trauma Resolution, Shamanism, Narration.
The set of these experiences is enriched by my spiritual and creative research in the sacred respect of Mother Nature.


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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolorLorem ipsum dolor


Leaving behind one’s masks and cardinal points helps to enter lightly into the new ‘dimension

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