The techniques I practice are the result of the integration of several disciplines: Family and Systemic Constellations, Transformational Ontological Coaching, Trauma Resolution, Shamanism and Narration. These experiences are enriched by my creative research in deep respect and devotion for the protection of nature.


The past is our conditioning. The future is an uncertain dream. Reality is in the present, in that instant poised between surrender and the act of courage. There, a window opens to the Universe and self-awareness. Leaving behind one’s masks we can enter the new ‘dimension of the possible’, an energy field in which, thanks to the power of vision, one can become one’s desire. Only in this way will it be possible to take full responsibility for it. My main commitment? To inspire your responsible growth.

Companies and teams

I have conducted numerous business training workshops (the main area of ​​my work for many years. Here you can check corporate training activities Link con enzima c) with the desire to inspire new sprouts of hope, commitment. I am happy to have been able to accompany various company teams to discover the systemic approach that for many participants has been truly revealing. We have worked outdoors in Nature creating new paradigms of ethical, participatory, and shared success.



• Experiential group gatherings One day or residential workshops If you would like to arrange a meeting in your region, please let me know here. • Individual sessions outdoors in Nature I conduct sessions at the ‘Parco della Maddalena’ in Torino or in a place that is important to you. • Group and individual sessions online • On Zoom platform